Thursday, April 8, 2010

Tenaya Estates Board Meeting Minutes - April 7, 2010

A meeting of the Tenaya Estates Board of Directors was held Wednesday, April 7, 2010 at 3:00 p.m. at the Downing residence.

Board members present:
Vern Grant
Cynthia Downing
Paul Heath
Michael Jenkins
Janice Normart

Board member absent:
Jim McKelvey
Brad Stevens

A quorum of the Board of Directors was called to order at 6:05 p.m. with Vern Grant, President, presiding.

The minutes of the January 17, 2010, Board meeting were approved as presented.

Paul Heath had already presented the financial report at the April 3, 2010, Tenaya Estates homeowners meeting.

Vern Grant advised that John Alsdorf was requesting a 3% increase in his Park maintenance contract. The contract is cancellable with 30 days notice. Tree trimming will be removed from Alsdorf’s contract. Tree trimming will be subcontracted out to California Growing Concerns. It was moved, second, and approved to offer John Alsdorf a 1% increase for the first year of the renewed contract; 1% for the second year of the renewed contract; and 1% for the third year of the contract for a total increase of 3% over three years.

The Board discussed whether to have a garage and bake sale to raise money for the Park. It was agreed to schedule one if Carla Grant is willing to coordinate it.

Most of the routine maintenance in the Park is being done by Vern Grant. The Park reimburses Vern for equipment and supplies but doesn’t pay for labor. If the Park had to pay for labor, routine maintenance would cost a lot more.

The Board agreed we will try to work with Supervisor Judy Case and other supervisors to try and waive the remaining reserve requirement, opt out of PeopleSoft, and reduce administrative fees.

Tenaya Estates’ contract with the County renews every year. Jim McKelvey wants to accompany Paul Heath when meetings with the County about renewal begin. Jim’s concern is making sure that the contract corresponds to Tenaya Estates’ organizational documents.

The Board discussed light bulb replacement. It costs about $125 per light to hire a vendor to replace light bulbs. The light bulbs cost $15 per bulb plus the cost of labor. Paul Heath will ask the general liability insurance carrier if we can obtain casual labor coverage. Vern Grant will ask the Electric Motor Shop for a fixed cost to change light bulbs.

The Board agreed that Tenaya Estates should appeal the decision to change our non-profit status from 501(c)(3) to 501(c)(4).

On May 22, the Park will hold a bake and yard sale.

The Board then discussed issues surrounding use of the Park. Michael Jenkins will draft guidelines to be handed out to groups at the Park.

There being no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 8:12 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Cynthia Downing, Secretary

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Tenaya Estates Fiscal Report through April 1, 2010

Tenaya Estates Fiscal Report 4/03/10
For the period 7/1/09 to 4/1/10

County Reimbursement $21,117.35
Donations 425.00
Expense Refund 200.00
Total Income $21,742.35

Park Maintenance $11,250.00
Facilities and Grounds Repair 2,839.03
New Trees 672.00
Irrigation Water Expense 1,414.15
Electricity Expense 671.66
Liability Insurance 1,361.86
Administration Expense 410.00
Total Expenses $18,618.70

Balance in bank at 6/30/09 $ 7,045.29
Deposits from Income 21,742.35
Total Expenses (18,618.70)
Present Balance in Bank $10,168.94

Final Reimbursement from County for this Fiscal Year $ 5,012.76
Balance of funds available in County contract 5,023.87
Total Funds available (Money in bank plus final reimbursement) $15,181.70

Expected Expenses for 3 months remaining.
March – June Maintenance $5,000.00
Repair 1,000.00
Irrigation Water 2,000.00
Electricity 500.00
Administration 600.00
Total $9,100.00 (9,100.00)
Expected funds at Fiscal Year end $ 6,081.70

Special Note: During transition from County to Tenaya as bill payor, the County paid two bills to the city of Fresno for irrigation water that were later charged to our contract thus reducing funds available. We took over on paying all bills on 7/1/09 and they hadn’t paid for the 4/15/09 to 6/15/09 water bill which amounted to $1,581.65. Later in the year they mistakenly paid the 6/15/09 to 8/15/09 bill which amounted to $2,358.78. The total charged to our account was therefore $3,940.43. We are responsible for irrigation water and electricity expenses as part of our contract.

Tenaya Estates annual membership meeting minutes - April 3, 2010

The annual meeting of the Tenaya Estates homeowners was held on Saturday, April 3, 2010, at 10:00 a.m. at the Park.

The meeting was called to order at 10:05 a.m. with Vern Grant, President, presiding.

Vern Grant appointed Janine Gallegos to head the Elections Committee. The Elections Committee was charged with counting the secret written ballots that had been received for election of the Tenaya Estates Board of Directors.

Paul Heath presented the financial report for the period from July 1, 2009, through April 1, 2010. It was noted that the Internal Revenue Service has designated Tenaya Estates as a 501(c)(4) which means that donations to the Park are not tax deductible.

Vern Grant reported on Park repairs and maintenance. Replacement of the playground flooring is needed but will be expensive. Additional drainage systems are also needed. The Board will continue to manage repairs and maintenance on an extremely tight budget.

The question of liability and responsibility for fixing sidewalks was discussed. It was agreed that the Tenaya Estates Board would send a letter to the County requesting clarification of this question.

Jim McKelvey reported on the possibility of annexation to the City of Fresno. All annexations have been placed on hold pending resolution of a lawsuit brought by a property owner in Sunnyside. The lawsuit alleges that annexations violate Proposition 218 which requires a 2/3 vote to increase taxes because upon annexation, property owners are charged an override for City pensions without having voted in favor of the override. Until this issue is resolved, Tenaya Estates will not explore the possibility of annexation.

Carla Grant reported on the next garage and bake sale that is planned for May 22, 2010. She asked for volunteers to help with this fundraising event.

It was noted that Robin Stevens was retiring from her many years of service organizing the Park’s Fourth of July festivities. It was agreed to provide official appreciation to Robin for her work on the community’s behalf. Janine Gallego has volunteered to coordinate this year’s Fourth of July festivities and she will let neighbors know how they can help in the near future.

Park finances are extremely tight but it was agreed that Tenaya Estates should not attempt to increase assessments at this time.

Janine Gallego reported on the results of the annual election to the Tenaya Estates Board of Directors. 38 ballots were cast in the election, meeting the quorum requirement in the Tenaya Estates Bylaws. The following Board members were elected to serve 2-year terms:

Vern Grant, President
Paul Heath, Treasurer
Cynthia Downing, Secretary
Michael Jenkins
Jim McKelvey
Janice Normart
Brad Stevens

There being no further business to discuss, the annual membership meeting adjourned at 11:20 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Cynthia Downing, Secretary