Monday, April 6, 2009

Neighborhood Meeting: Saturday, April 25, at 10:00 a.m.

Should We Annex to the City of Fresno?

A neighborhood meeting is scheduled on Saturday, April 25, at 10:00 a.m. at Tenaya Park.

The primary purpose of this meeting is to discuss the possibility of annexing to the City of Fresno. We will also give a brief update on Park operations and finances.

Several months ago, the City asked Tenaya Estates to consider annexing. The Board met on February 21 to discuss the issue. There were questions about the process and how annexation would affect the neighborhood. The Board didn’t reach any conclusions. Instead, the Board agreed that property owners should be involved in the information gathering and decision-making process. Jim McKelvey will work with the City to get more information and answers to questions for the meeting on April 25.

Here’s what we know so far:

· The City will not force us to annex. A majority of property owners would need to vote in favor of annexation.

· After annexation, we would be able to vote for Fresno City Mayor and a City Council representative plus a representative on the County Board of Supervisors. Currently, we can only vote for the representative onthe Board of Supervisors.

· The City would provide fire protection. Although we’re currently in the North Central Fire District, the District now contracts with the City for fire protection. After annexing, our area’s fire rating might improve which would mean lower fire insurance premiums for property owners.
· The City would provide police protection. Currently, the County Sheriff polices our area.

· The City would provide solid waste disposal including an annual curbside pickup. Fresno County recently ended its annual curbside program. City trash pickup is likely to be less expensive than the current private hauler. However, State law would require us to stay with the private hauler for 5 years after annexation.

· The City would provide municipal services like street sweeping and graffiti removal which currently aren’t available from the County.

· The Tenaya Estates Board expressed a strong desire to keep local control of Park maintenance. Currently, Tenaya Estates contracts with Fresno County to maintain the Park. We select and pay our own vendors; decide when and how much to water; and are able to make repairs quickly when needed. As a result, the Park looks beautiful and lots of people use and enjoy it. The Board does not want to risk returning the Park to management by government bureaucracy.

· The County keeps about 30% of the Park’s annual budget to cover administration and audit fees, even though we now do all the work. These fees might not apply in the City. We could then use these funds for capital improvements to the lights, sprinklers, and the playground.

· The City might be willing to cover general liability insurance costs of about $1,500 per year. The City might also agree to cover the costs of water and power. We aren’t sure of the net impact of annexation. Solid waste costs will go down. Premiums for fire insurance might go down. The annual Park assessment might change. Property taxes might increase by about $100

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