Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Tenaya Estates Board Meeting Minutes - December 4, 2010
Board members present:
Vern Grant
Cynthia Downing
Paul Heath
Michael Jenkins
Jim McKelvey
Janice Normart
Brad Stevens
Board member absent:
Guests Present:
Jeff Kollenkark from Weed Man
A quorum of the Board of Directors was called to order at 9:15 a.m. with Vern Grant, President, presiding.
Since this was a special meeting of the Board, minutes of prior meetings and financial statements were not presented.
Jeff Kollenkark from Weed Man presented information about the condition of the turf at the Park. Bermuda grass looks good in the summer but turns brown in the winter. If other kinds of grass are allowed to grow during the winter, the turf looks mottled and not as attractive. Recently, the Park was seeded with rye grass. It was seeded late this year because there were so many organized soccer and rugby teams playing at the Park. As a result of the late seeding, the Park has mottled dead spots and muddy areas.
To maintain the turf in reasonable shape, the Park should be reseeded and not used between Labor Day and the end of November. After seeding, there should not be any sports activities for 30 days to allow the turf to germinate. The turf needs an additional 60-day period to restore itself. Cleats are harder and provide more wear and tear on the turf.
One possible suggestion was to rope the Park off for maintenance for 60 days. Everyone would not be allowed to use the Park during this period.
The irrigation system should provide uniform coverage and water efficiency.
It was agreed that Dave Sodolsky from the Water Technology Institute at Fresno State will come evaluate the turf and irrigation system.
It was agreed to mail out surveys to determine what the neighbors want in terms of use of the Park. The Board will comment on and approve the draft survey that Michael Jenkins prepared by December 11, 2010. Neighbors will be asked to complete and return the surveys before the January 5, 2010, Tenaya Estates Board meeting.
It was agreed to leave up the signs and tape for the time being in the hopes of deterring rugby players and other sports teams.
The County took more than $1,900 out of the Park budget this year to pay for PG&E costs. The Park now has three service accounts on its PG&E bill. The Park has about $2,000 less to spend than it did before.
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 10:40 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Cynthia Downing, Secretary
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Tenaya Estates Board Meeting Minutes - October 6, 2010
Board members present:
Vern Grant
Cynthia Downing
Paul Heath
Michael Jenkins
Jim McKelvey
Brad Stevens
Board member absent:
Janice Normart
A quorum of the Board of Directors was called to order at 6:43 p.m. with Vern Grant, President, presiding.
Paul Heath presented a financial report. The County has unexpectedly discovered PG&E accounts for which Tenaya Estates has not been billed. After paying PG&E costs of about $1,900 for the year, Tenaya Estates will be on an extremely tight budget.
The question of whether to appeal Tenaya Estates’ 501(c)(4) status with the IRS was discussed. It was agreed to table this issue until the Board determines if the Park should remain public or be turned into a private park.
Replacement of the playground mats was discussed. After determining the financial impact of the newly discovered PG&E service accounts, it was agreed to get bids for repairs. Vern Grant will get three bids at the end of the year or as finances permit.
Fourth of July festivities at the Park were discussed. It was noted that Janine Gallego had done an outstanding job of organizing a very successful event and proceeds were more than expected. The Board decided the event should not be run as a fund raiser for the Park. Instead, the person organizing the event will keep the proceeds and use them to cover costs of next year’s event. It will be up to the event organizer to decide whether to donate some of the proceeds to the Park.
Issues with respect to use of the Park were discussed at length. It was agreed that neighbors should be surveyed to see how they felt about use and activities at the Park. Michael Jenkins volunteered to develop the survey in conjunction with Brad Stevens and Cynthia Downing.
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 7:54 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Cynthia Downing, Secretary
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Tenaya Estates Board Meeting Minutes - September 18, 2010
Board members present:
Vern Grant
Cynthia Downing
Paul Heath
Michael Jenkins
Jim McKelvey
Brad Stevens
Board member absent:
Janice Normart
A quorum of the Board of Directors was called to order at 9:20 a.m. with Vern Grant, President, presiding.
Since this was a special meeting of the Board, minutes of prior meetings and financial statements were not presented.
Vern Grant provided a recap of recent events at the Park. Renovations of the pool and track at Bullard High School left the Fig Garden Youth Soccer League with nowhere to practice or play League games. Over the past few weeks, League teams began using the Park for practice and games every night of the week but Friday. Some evenings, as many as four League teams were at the Park simultaneously with up to 200 coaches, parents, and other family members.
Tenaya Park Board members began getting complaints from neighbors who were impacted by cars parked in front of their driveways or children urinating along walkways. Concerns were raised about increased amounts of litter, overflowing trash cans, and increased costs of sprinkler repairs. Vern requested a meeting with the head of the League to discuss these concerns and look for possible resolutions. This gave rise to a misunderstanding that the Tenaya Park Board was trying to prevent children from playing soccer in the Park. The County began receiving calls about the situation which is a concern. If the Park becomes a political issue, the County might decide to take management of the Park back. From past experience and given the County’s current budget shortfalls, that would likely mean returning to a Park that is poorly maintained with weeds, areas of dead grass, broken sprinklers, standing water, trees that aren’t trimmed, graffiti, and similar problems.
Paul Heath and other Board members worked diligently to dispel the misunderstandings. It was noted the League voluntarily agreed to limit the number of teams practicing at the Park to two teams per night. The Tenaya Park Board unanimously authorized Jim McKelvey to work with the County to better define the authority of the Tenaya Estates Board to develop guidelines for use of the Park. The guidelines will take into consideration the Park’s lack of public parking, lack of restroom facilities, lack of insurance coverage for organized sports teams, and an infrastructure that was not designed for organized team sports. It was also agreed that a newsletter and survey will be mailed to the Tenaya Park homeowners who pay assessments to determine their vision and preferences for Park usage.
After the results of the survey have been compiled, the Board will convene a neighborhood meeting to share the results and obtain additional feedback and input.
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 10:40 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Cynthia Downing, Secretary
Friday, July 16, 2010
Tenaya Estates, Inc. Board meeting minutes - July 15, 2010
Board members present:
Vern Grant
Cynthia Downing
Paul Heath
Michael Jenkins
Jim McKelvey
Janice Normart
Board member absent:
Brad Stevens
A quorum of the Board of Directors was called to order at 6:35 p.m. with Vern Grant, President, presiding.
The minutes of the July 15, 2010, Board meeting were approved as presented.
Paul Heath presented the financial report for the period July 1, 2009, through June 30, 2010. Income was $27,755,11. Expenses included $15,000 on Park maintenance; $2,878 on facilities and grounds repairs; $672 on new trees; $2,589 on irrigation water; #765 on electricity; $1,361 on liability insurance; and $1,180 on administrative expense. There is approximately $10,350 remaining in the Tenaya Estates checking account. The bank statement was included in the financial report and tied back to the financial statements.
It was noted that the IRS had waived $1,941 in penalties that had been imposed due to late filing of tax returns. Tenaya Estates will not have to pay any fines or penalties for late filings.
The State Franchise Tax Board has approved non-profit status.
A proposed 2010-2011 budget was presented for discussion. It was agreed that one garage and bake sale and the Fourth of July Festivities will be used as fund raisers for the Park in 2011. It was noted that although the water is metered, it doesn’t appear that anyone is reading the meter. The proposed budget includes reserving $5,000 for major repairs; this reserve would be at our ready access and would not require us to request the reserve funds on deposit with the County.
Paul Heath will talk to County staff about the possibilities of tapping into reserves on deposit with the County to replace the playground flooring.
It was m/s/c to approve the proposed budget as presented.
Vern Grant discussed proposed improvements to the Park. One drainage project per year for the next 3 years is proposed. It was m/s/c to approve drainage improvements at a cost of about $500 per year over the next 3 years.
Vern Grant wants to plant ficus vines along the Lazarus fences. The vines cost $15 apiece. A budget of $200 for planting focus vines was approved.
Sharing the expense of installing rocks in front of the Heath’s house to prevent vehicles from driving into the Park was discussed. This is the last area of access to the Park that would be needed. The Heaths will pay half and Tenaya Estates will pay the other half for the rocks and installation. The Board authorized and expenditures of up to $400 for this purpose.
A draft Rules of Engagement was presented for review.
The Board agreed to sponsor an ice cream social on Saturday, October 2, from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Cynthia Downing, Secretary
Monday, June 14, 2010
Annual 2010 Fourth of July Festivities at Tenaya Park
$10.00 Tri-tip Dinner includes Rice pilaf, Beans, Salad, and Drink
$5.00 Hot dog Dinner includes: Chips and Drink
Please bring a potluck dish that serves 8-10 people: Bring Hors d"oeuvres, Desserts and side dishes.
Here is a schedule of the Activities for the day:
12:00 p.m. Water slide/Bounce House, Kiddy pools, and pick-up sports (bring your gear)
5:30 p.m. Please bring Potluck Dishes and Cake Walk items to the park
6:15 p.m. Dinner and Potluck Buffet
7:15 p.m. Children's Patriotic Parade (prizes for best in show, originality and most patriotic).
7:30 p.m. Cake Walk
8:30 p.m. Basketball Court: Fireworks!!!! Safety First! Bring your own and you are responsible for your clean-up.
If you have any questions, please contact Janine @ 559-431-4233 or via email j9smunch@earthlink.net.
Please RSVP and buy your tickets by Saturday, June 19th. You can mail or drop donations off to Janine Gallego 1366 W. Tenaya Way. Volunteers are needed for setup, decorations, serving of potluck and cake walk. Please notify Janine if you would like to volunteer.
Our Tenaya Park neighbors are awesome, and we're looking forward to another relaxing Independence Day with our Family and Friends.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Garage and bake sale
This is a great chance to clean out that old stuff, and help the park financially.
All money collected will go towards park maintenance, and we appreciate your help. Monetary donations also are gratefully accepted.
Past garage/bake sales have generated about $1500 each, and have kept us above water financially.
drugs in the park
To counteract this trend, I have adjusted to irrigation to wet those areas in the afternoons, shortly after school. Although the watering times are short, they are repeated, and are long enough to wet the grass and make it uncomfortable for furter drug related activities. No other areas of the park will be watered in the afternoon.
If you walk on the south or west walkways in the afternoons, you should not get wet as the sidewalks stay pretty dry. I would appreciate it if you recognize the children involved in drug activities to report them to their parents, the sheriff or me. I will be working with Bullard High to identify them as well, so we can contact the parents and have these activities removed from Tenaya Park.
Should you have other ideas of how to nip this in the bud, please feel free to call the park hotline, 228-3543 and leave me a message.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Tenaya Estates Board Meeting Minutes - April 7, 2010
Board members present:
Vern Grant
Cynthia Downing
Paul Heath
Michael Jenkins
Janice Normart
Board member absent:
Jim McKelvey
Brad Stevens
A quorum of the Board of Directors was called to order at 6:05 p.m. with Vern Grant, President, presiding.
The minutes of the January 17, 2010, Board meeting were approved as presented.
Paul Heath had already presented the financial report at the April 3, 2010, Tenaya Estates homeowners meeting.
Vern Grant advised that John Alsdorf was requesting a 3% increase in his Park maintenance contract. The contract is cancellable with 30 days notice. Tree trimming will be removed from Alsdorf’s contract. Tree trimming will be subcontracted out to California Growing Concerns. It was moved, second, and approved to offer John Alsdorf a 1% increase for the first year of the renewed contract; 1% for the second year of the renewed contract; and 1% for the third year of the contract for a total increase of 3% over three years.
The Board discussed whether to have a garage and bake sale to raise money for the Park. It was agreed to schedule one if Carla Grant is willing to coordinate it.
Most of the routine maintenance in the Park is being done by Vern Grant. The Park reimburses Vern for equipment and supplies but doesn’t pay for labor. If the Park had to pay for labor, routine maintenance would cost a lot more.
The Board agreed we will try to work with Supervisor Judy Case and other supervisors to try and waive the remaining reserve requirement, opt out of PeopleSoft, and reduce administrative fees.
Tenaya Estates’ contract with the County renews every year. Jim McKelvey wants to accompany Paul Heath when meetings with the County about renewal begin. Jim’s concern is making sure that the contract corresponds to Tenaya Estates’ organizational documents.
The Board discussed light bulb replacement. It costs about $125 per light to hire a vendor to replace light bulbs. The light bulbs cost $15 per bulb plus the cost of labor. Paul Heath will ask the general liability insurance carrier if we can obtain casual labor coverage. Vern Grant will ask the Electric Motor Shop for a fixed cost to change light bulbs.
The Board agreed that Tenaya Estates should appeal the decision to change our non-profit status from 501(c)(3) to 501(c)(4).
On May 22, the Park will hold a bake and yard sale.
The Board then discussed issues surrounding use of the Park. Michael Jenkins will draft guidelines to be handed out to groups at the Park.
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 8:12 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Cynthia Downing, Secretary
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Tenaya Estates Fiscal Report through April 1, 2010
Tenaya Estates Fiscal Report 4/03/10
For the period 7/1/09 to 4/1/10
County Reimbursement $21,117.35
Donations 425.00
Expense Refund 200.00
Total Income $21,742.35
Park Maintenance $11,250.00
Facilities and Grounds Repair 2,839.03
New Trees 672.00
Irrigation Water Expense 1,414.15
Electricity Expense 671.66
Liability Insurance 1,361.86
Administration Expense 410.00
Total Expenses $18,618.70
Balance in bank at 6/30/09 $ 7,045.29
Deposits from Income 21,742.35
Total Expenses (18,618.70)
Present Balance in Bank $10,168.94
Final Reimbursement from County for this Fiscal Year $ 5,012.76
Balance of funds available in County contract 5,023.87
Total Funds available (Money in bank plus final reimbursement) $15,181.70
Expected Expenses for 3 months remaining.
March – June Maintenance $5,000.00
Repair 1,000.00
Irrigation Water 2,000.00
Electricity 500.00
Administration 600.00
Total $9,100.00 (9,100.00)
Expected funds at Fiscal Year end $ 6,081.70
Special Note: During transition from County to Tenaya as bill payor, the County paid two bills to the city of Fresno for irrigation water that were later charged to our contract thus reducing funds available. We took over on paying all bills on 7/1/09 and they hadn’t paid for the 4/15/09 to 6/15/09 water bill which amounted to $1,581.65. Later in the year they mistakenly paid the 6/15/09 to 8/15/09 bill which amounted to $2,358.78. The total charged to our account was therefore $3,940.43. We are responsible for irrigation water and electricity expenses as part of our contract.
Tenaya Estates annual membership meeting minutes - April 3, 2010
The meeting was called to order at 10:05 a.m. with Vern Grant, President, presiding.
Vern Grant appointed Janine Gallegos to head the Elections Committee. The Elections Committee was charged with counting the secret written ballots that had been received for election of the Tenaya Estates Board of Directors.
Paul Heath presented the financial report for the period from July 1, 2009, through April 1, 2010. It was noted that the Internal Revenue Service has designated Tenaya Estates as a 501(c)(4) which means that donations to the Park are not tax deductible.
Vern Grant reported on Park repairs and maintenance. Replacement of the playground flooring is needed but will be expensive. Additional drainage systems are also needed. The Board will continue to manage repairs and maintenance on an extremely tight budget.
The question of liability and responsibility for fixing sidewalks was discussed. It was agreed that the Tenaya Estates Board would send a letter to the County requesting clarification of this question.
Jim McKelvey reported on the possibility of annexation to the City of Fresno. All annexations have been placed on hold pending resolution of a lawsuit brought by a property owner in Sunnyside. The lawsuit alleges that annexations violate Proposition 218 which requires a 2/3 vote to increase taxes because upon annexation, property owners are charged an override for City pensions without having voted in favor of the override. Until this issue is resolved, Tenaya Estates will not explore the possibility of annexation.
Carla Grant reported on the next garage and bake sale that is planned for May 22, 2010. She asked for volunteers to help with this fundraising event.
It was noted that Robin Stevens was retiring from her many years of service organizing the Park’s Fourth of July festivities. It was agreed to provide official appreciation to Robin for her work on the community’s behalf. Janine Gallego has volunteered to coordinate this year’s Fourth of July festivities and she will let neighbors know how they can help in the near future.
Park finances are extremely tight but it was agreed that Tenaya Estates should not attempt to increase assessments at this time.
Janine Gallego reported on the results of the annual election to the Tenaya Estates Board of Directors. 38 ballots were cast in the election, meeting the quorum requirement in the Tenaya Estates Bylaws. The following Board members were elected to serve 2-year terms:
Vern Grant, President
Paul Heath, Treasurer
Cynthia Downing, Secretary
Michael Jenkins
Jim McKelvey
Janice Normart
Brad Stevens
There being no further business to discuss, the annual membership meeting adjourned at 11:20 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Cynthia Downing, Secretary
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Tenaya Estates annual meeting on April 3, 2010, at 10:00 a.m.
Vern Grant, President
Paul Heath, Treasurer
Cynthia Downing, Secretary
Michael Jenkins
Jim McKelvey
Janice Normart
Brad Stevens
The Tenya Estates Board meets four times a year. If anyone is interested in serving on the Board, please let Cynthia Downing know by noon on Monday, March 22.
Turnout at our annual meetings has been low so we plan to mail ballots to the neighbors in the hopes of improving the elections process. The names of additional nominees for the Board (if any) will be included on the ballot that will be mailed on March 22. Ballots can be returned by mail or in person to Cynthia Downing, 1214 W. Tenaya, Fresno, CA, 93711. Ballots must be returned by 10:00 a.m. on April 3, 2010, to be eligible to be counted. Each household is entitled to one ballot. Ballots will remain sealed until the April 3 meeting. At the April 3 meeting, an Elections Committee will be appointed to open and count the ballots and announce the results of the election.
If you have any questions between now and then, please don't hesitate to let Cynthia Downing know. Otherwise, we hope to see you on April 3.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Lights and water
The drinking fountain is in fine working order.
Water to the sprinkler system is back off, my bad. The herbicide needs to sit on top of the broad leaf weeds for 48 hours to work. Since we had problems with the water, it never got the park wet any way, and by the time 48 hours is up, it will probably rain.
JOB OPENING: Still looking for a volunteer web master so we can put all of this on our web site rather than this blog.
Drinking fountain redux
The fountain is working fine, lots of pressure. The main valve for the entire system was off. The problem with it running then slowing down to a dribble is consistent with the main valve in the off position, with a small leak, pressurizing the pipe for short operation only.
What I did not get to tell you is the back flow valve is leaking, especially so when the water was off. The leaking part is the 6" plate with 6-8 bolts holding it together, looks like some sort of diaphram.
Probably is a good idea to get the part numbers so we can replace them next time
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Drinking fountain and other news
In a message dated 2/17/2010 08:21:39 Pacific Standard Time, vgapp@comcast.net writes:
Tried the fountain this morning, and it is the same as prior to being fixed. The water runs normally for a few seconds, then goes to a dribble, too small to get a drink.
I asked Daniel to go by and check it again and get the exact part number for the part that controls the flow. We may as well order a replacement now once Daniel confirms the part number... and hopefully he can flush it out again.
We have experienced some spray painted graffiti on the south walkway fences, which I removed last Thursday (2/11). Please report any graffiti to me at vgapp@comcast.net. Please don't call, email is better for me. Graffiti grows exponentially if not removed immediately.
The entire lawn was treated with a broad leaf herbicide today, so I have turned on the water to wash the product off the surface and into the grass so it will not affect pets. When we have another rain event, I will turn it off again.
Vern Grant
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Repairs underway
The small interior trees have been trimmed, and the next tree trimming will be at least a year out, unless there are some other problems.
I am aware of a blinking overhead light, which means the bulb is burnt out. We are working to replace the lamp. Unfortunately I won't do it since it is 20 feet in the air. We have a volunteer electrician but he is busy. If any of the local residents have experience in overhead lights and would like to help, please contact me at vgapp@comcast.net .
The floor matting at the playground area is in poor shape, but the price to replace it is between $12,000 to $15,000 (yes, you read that right); needless to say we don't have that much money. All of the similar play equipment in parks in the general area, and I have seen many, have engineered wood chips, a cheaper alternative. Unfortunately, the way our play area was designed precludes use of the cheaper product, but I am looking for ideas to redesign the floor system. If any one has ideas, or is an engineer with an disability access background, I would like to hear from you.
Please stay tuned for information about the upcoming garage/bake sale.
Vern Grant
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Tree trimming
Drinking fountain
Monday, February 1, 2010
Tenaya Estates Fiscal Report 2009-2010 Fiscal Year through 12/31/2009
Maintenance and Repair $ 9,537.91
Fresno City Utilities (Water) 3,653.77
County Required Liability Ins. 1,361.86
Light and Power 641.18
Professional fees (Tax filing) 360.00
Administrative fees 25.00
Total Expenses $15,579.72
Total Expenses allowed for fiscal year per County contract $28,500.00
Remaining expense reimbursements allowed fiscal year $12,920.28
Balance in Checking account on 12/31/09 $ 3,375.72
Expense reimbursement from County expected 2/15/10 11,780.94
Donations pledged for purchase and planting of 6 trees 672.00
Total $15,828.66
Questions regarding the finances of the park operations may be directed to Paul Heath. My phone number is 435-0399.
Paul W. Heath
Friday, January 22, 2010
January 2010 Tenaya Park News
The third year of neighbors running Tenaya Park is almost at an end. This is what is currently happening, and in the works. In the past few years, we have planted 21 trees in the park, and most ofthat was by donation (4 old trees were removed due to disease). Fig vines have been planted along many block walls and some fences.
Repairs have been made to drainage and sprinkler systems. Signs have been added with our phone number and web site. As much as possible of the routine repairs have been made by Vern Grant and other volunteers, in order to cut down costs. For example, it was costing $255 to change an overhead light bulb; that cost is now about $25, which is the cost of the bulb, with a volunteer doing thework.
Our finances should improve slightly next year, since we have paid nearlyall required funds into the operating reserve fund mandated by the county,and will now be able to use those funds for the park. A list of this years expenses is attached for your information.
A board meeting was held on Jan 17, 2010. A copy of the minutes of that meeting will soon be posted at our website, Tenayapark.blogspot.com . Future board meetings are scheduled for the first Wednesday of each quarter, which for 2010 will be April 7, July 7, October 6, and January 5, 2011. Copies of the minutes of those meetings will be posted on our website shortly after each meeting. Financial reports detailing monies expended for park maintenance and County oversight will be posted on the website periodically throughout the year.
A general meeting, open to all residents, will be held at the park on Saturday, April 3, at 9:00 am. Topics will be open to your wishes, but will include the future use, level of maintenance, and improvements you envision for Tenaya park and an election will be held to fill vacancies on the governing board. If you are interested in being a board member, please contact Vern Grant, at vgapp@comcast.net. \
We are working on better communication between the board and the 143 property owners . As much as possible will be put on line, so please visit our website and sign up to get updates as they occur. I hope you are pleased with the look of the park. Any suggestions you have will be welcome at the general meeting on April 3, at 9 am.See you there, Vern Grant
We have a 24/7 hotline for neighbors to call if repairs or maintenance are needed and to report other problems at the Park. The hotline number is 228-3543.
The Tenaya Park Homeowners Association, Inc. needs a webmaster to help us put our financials, minutes, pictures and other items on the website. If you have computer experience and the time, please email Cynthia at cdowning@pesc.com.
Do We Have Your Email?
If you aren’t on the Tenaya Park Email distribution list, please send your Email address to cdowning@pesc.com. Your Email address will be used exclusively for Tenaya Park communications.
Is Your Last Name Correct on our Mailing List?
Please check the name on your mailing label. If we have a wrong last name, the Post Office might not deliver our neighborhood communications. Call or Email Cynthia Downing with any corrections.
Thank You
Special thanks to Robin Stevens and Robin Duke for coordinating the Christmas Eve luminaries again this year. The neighborhood was lit up on Christmas Eve and it looked spectacular!
Garage/Bake Sale
We are planning another Garage/Bake Sale probably in late April or early May. The last two were successful financially and people in attendance commented on the sense of community the gatherings generated. We are in need of volunteers for that effort, contact Carla Grant, 435-1417.
4th of July
Dear Tenaya Park Neighbors: Brad and I have enjoyed organizing the 4th of July Celebration at the Park for several years now. We also have appreciated the help and monetary donations some of the neighbors have offered over the years. These neighborly contributions have been of value in making the event a success for those who have attended.
However, we feel it is time for us to terminate our involvement in this event. We do hope that someone, or a group of volunteers, will continue with the tradition of the annual Independence Day Celebration. If you have any questions regarding what this entails, please contact me. I’d be more than happy to assist someone interested, in getting started with new leadership. - Robin Stevens, 449-8126
Annexation Proposal
At our last annual membership meeting, we discussed the fact that the City wanted to annex the Tenaya Park neighborhood and had offered several incentives to induce us to do so. A committee was appointed to negotiate our agreement with the City to spell out and vest the services and benefits promised by the City. A group of Sunnyside area property owners, however, filed a lawsuit challenging the validity of City annexations since the City has a different property tax rate than that fixed by the County. Pending annexations were therefore put on hold until that issue is resolved. If you have any questions, call Jim McKelvey at 439-7956.
Tenaya Estates Board Meeting Minutes - January 17, 2010
A meeting of the Tenaya Estates Board of Directors was held on Sunday, January 17, 2010, at 3:00 p.m. at the Downing residence.
Board members present:
Vern Grant
Cynthia Downing
Paul Heath
Jim McKelvey
Janice Normart
Brad Stevens
Board member absent:
Jeff Earl
A quorum of the Board of Directors was called to order at 3:05 p.m. with Vern Grant, President, presiding.
The minutes of February 21, 2009, Board meeting were not available for approval. They will be Emailed to the Board at a later date.
Paul Heath presented the financial report. The County paid a bill of approximately $2,300 to the City of Fresno for water by mistake. Now that we know how much water costs, we can adjust watering accordingly to control costs. We now have approximately $15,000 in reserves. Hopefully, we can negotiate with the County so we don’t have to continue reserving money to increase reserves rather than spending it on the Park.
We have $1,101.12 in the bank. Neighbors have been donating to the Park. Donations covered the cost of the additional trees. California Growing Concern has given an estimate of $375 for trimming trees. It was moved, seconded, and unanimously approved to hire California Growing Concern to trim the trees.
A seat in the playground is broken. Repairs cost $204.10. It was moved and seconded and carried to purchase the seat to repair the seat.
The location of the new trees was then discussed. Ms. Normart stated that trees are supposed to be planted around the perimeter of the Park. She also stated that USA should be called to insure that no underground services are disrupted. Discussion ensued about the location of the new trees. Janice Normart opposed the location of all three new redwoods trees that were added to the east side of the Park. Janice Normart made a motion to move the three new redwood trees. The motion died for lack of a second, primarily because the Park doesn’t have enough money to pay for moving them.
The question of making decisions about new trees was discussed. It was agreed that individual Board members are not authorized to make these types of decisionsalone. It was moved, seconded, and passed that the Board will make all major decisions about the Park including placement of new trees, new benches and tables, and new equipment. The President is authorized to make routine repairs without bringing these issues to the Board for approval.
The Board discussed whether to have a garage and bake sale to raise money for the Park. It was agreed to schedule one if Carla Grant is willing to coordinate it.
The Board discussed Fourth of July festivities. Robin Stevens doesn’t want to continue coordinating this annual event. The Board agreed to solicit volunteers.
Most of the routine maintenance in the Park is being done by Vern Grant. The Park reimburses Vern for equipment and supplies but doesn’t pay for labor. If the Park had to pay for labor, routine maintenance would cost a lot more.
Jim McKelvey will collect information for the Tenaya Park newsletter. Janice Normart and Brad Stevens will be in charge of distribution.
Board meetings were scheduled for the year. The Board will meet April 7, July 7, October 6, and January 5, 2011.
It was moved, seconded, and carried to reimburse Cynthia Downing for the cost of web hosting.
The question of organized team practices at the Park was discussed. It was suggested that organized teams should be required to register, perhaps waiving liability and committing to pay for any damage done to the Park during use. It was noted that children who grew up at the Park but no longer lived in the neighborhood were coming back and using the Park. It was suggested that if registration is required, clear rules that apply to all circumstances would be needed. For example, if a Tenaya Park neighbor brings in a team of kids, would the neighbor be required to register? How would the registration process be policed fairly and impartially on a regular basis? Do we want the Park to become known as an unfriendly place? Do neighbors want to keep the Park a public park or do they prefer it to be a private park? The discussion was tabled to the next meeting.
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 4:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Cynthia Downing, Secretary