Sunday, September 19, 2010

Tenaya Estates Board Meeting Minutes - September 18, 2010

A special meeting of the Tenaya Estates Board of Directors was held on Saturday, September 18, 2010, at 9:00 a.m. at the Grant residence.

Board members present:
Vern Grant
Cynthia Downing
Paul Heath
Michael Jenkins
Jim McKelvey
Brad Stevens

Board member absent:
Janice Normart

A quorum of the Board of Directors was called to order at 9:20 a.m. with Vern Grant, President, presiding.

Since this was a special meeting of the Board, minutes of prior meetings and financial statements were not presented.

Vern Grant provided a recap of recent events at the Park. Renovations of the pool and track at Bullard High School left the Fig Garden Youth Soccer League with nowhere to practice or play League games. Over the past few weeks, League teams began using the Park for practice and games every night of the week but Friday. Some evenings, as many as four League teams were at the Park simultaneously with up to 200 coaches, parents, and other family members.

Tenaya Park Board members began getting complaints from neighbors who were impacted by cars parked in front of their driveways or children urinating along walkways. Concerns were raised about increased amounts of litter, overflowing trash cans, and increased costs of sprinkler repairs. Vern requested a meeting with the head of the League to discuss these concerns and look for possible resolutions. This gave rise to a misunderstanding that the Tenaya Park Board was trying to prevent children from playing soccer in the Park. The County began receiving calls about the situation which is a concern. If the Park becomes a political issue, the County might decide to take management of the Park back. From past experience and given the County’s current budget shortfalls, that would likely mean returning to a Park that is poorly maintained with weeds, areas of dead grass, broken sprinklers, standing water, trees that aren’t trimmed, graffiti, and similar problems.

Paul Heath and other Board members worked diligently to dispel the misunderstandings. It was noted the League voluntarily agreed to limit the number of teams practicing at the Park to two teams per night. The Tenaya Park Board unanimously authorized Jim McKelvey to work with the County to better define the authority of the Tenaya Estates Board to develop guidelines for use of the Park. The guidelines will take into consideration the Park’s lack of public parking, lack of restroom facilities, lack of insurance coverage for organized sports teams, and an infrastructure that was not designed for organized team sports. It was also agreed that a newsletter and survey will be mailed to the Tenaya Park homeowners who pay assessments to determine their vision and preferences for Park usage.

After the results of the survey have been compiled, the Board will convene a neighborhood meeting to share the results and obtain additional feedback and input.

There being no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 10:40 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Cynthia Downing, Secretary

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