Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Repairs underway

We have a plumber working to fix the drinking fountain. Some of the parts are proprietary, and can't be obtained at the local plumbing store. They are available by special order, but are model specific, so repairs may take longer than we wish.

The small interior trees have been trimmed, and the next tree trimming will be at least a year out, unless there are some other problems.

I am aware of a blinking overhead light, which means the bulb is burnt out. We are working to replace the lamp. Unfortunately I won't do it since it is 20 feet in the air. We have a volunteer electrician but he is busy. If any of the local residents have experience in overhead lights and would like to help, please contact me at vgapp@comcast.net .

The floor matting at the playground area is in poor shape, but the price to replace it is between $12,000 to $15,000 (yes, you read that right); needless to say we don't have that much money. All of the similar play equipment in parks in the general area, and I have seen many, have engineered wood chips, a cheaper alternative. Unfortunately, the way our play area was designed precludes use of the cheaper product, but I am looking for ideas to redesign the floor system. If any one has ideas, or is an engineer with an disability access background, I would like to hear from you.

Please stay tuned for information about the upcoming garage/bake sale.

Vern Grant

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